Description: Research data on how particular practices affect curing burley tobacco leaves Source: University of Kentucky
The Effects of Variety, Harvest Management, and Curing Environment on Cured Leaf Quality of Burley
Preparing Burley in Bales
Description: Guide with instructions on how to put burley into bales Source: University of Kentucky
Packaging an dHandling Burley Tobacco in Bales at the Farm
Description: How to make burley bales and care for them Source: University of Kentucky
Proper Curing Management to Minimize the Occurrence of Green Tobacco
Description: How to properly cure tobacco in order to prevent green tobacco, ultimately loss of profit for growers Source: University of Kentucky
Harvesting and Curing Burley Tobacco
Description: Cutting, barn management, desired humidity, etc. Source: University of Kentucky
U.S. Tobacco Production & Use
Description: Breakdown of how much tobacco is produced, used in U.S., exported, etc. Source: North Carolina State University
Tobacco Harvest Management
Description: How to be more efficient in the quality of tobacco leaves and shorter barn turnaround time Source: Clemson University
Storing Cured Tobacco to Maintain Quality
Description: How to keep pests off of cured tobacco Source: University of Georgia
Harvesting, Curing, Stripping, and Marketing
Description: Excerpt from the 2008 Burley Production Guide Source: Virginia Tech University
Harvesting and Curing Burley Tobacco – Mechanization
Description: Possible harvest and curing methods Source: North Carolina State University